
My Blog now moved to Hugo

Although there are not that many blog posts here, I regularly re-acknowledge all the work that has been spent to create the articles that are currently there. That’s why I decided to give some love to my blog and move all the content from WordPress to Hugo.

While my main website is (of course ;-) based on Magento, my blog always has been separate from it to avoid any interferences. When I started in 2006, I hosted it on Tumblr, then I moved it to WordPress a few years ago and now it will get a new home.

What is Hugo?

Hugo is a static website generator meaning you create and design all the pages locally and then you simply execute the command `hugo and Hugo will generate all the static HTML pages required for the website to run. Nothing else - no PHP files, no hazzle. Simply upload the files to your webserver and you’re done.

A few of the benefits of a static website generator like Hugo:

  • performance-wise nothing is faster than a static HTML website
  • asset minification and bundling is included and done at build time
  • local webserver for preview and debugging included without any need to configure PHP/Apache/.. (even automatic browser page refresh is included)
  • no security issues can arise from the application itself

About the migration

The migration was really easy as pie. I have chosen an existing Hugo theme from the library and followed the instructions from the Quick Start manual. To export all the posts from WordPress I used the WordPress to Hugo exporter plugin that exported all the WordPress blog posts as Markdown files for Hugo together with all the configuration files. That even means that all SEO URLs stay the same! Wow, I haven’t thought that it would get this easy. After some simple styling I switched the DNS entries and everything was done!

The result

In my opinion the blog must be very minimal because it should focus the reader’s attention to the text and graphics of the blog post article that’s why I ensured that the blog is now amazingly fast - 35 ms!
While most WordPress themes and plugins lead to a very blown page, my HTML pages now contain all the required elements and nothing else. I think the result is very satisfying and I will definitely give Hugo a go for the next projects!

In the meantime I have also improved the deployment workflow for my Hugo powered blog with Bitbucket Pipelines.

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