
Magento 1.9: Downloadable Products cannot be created

In Magento 1.9 there is a JavaScript error on the product page in the backend that prohibits adding links to downloadable products when using the default German localization that ships with this Magento version.

In Magento 1.9 there is a JavaScript error on the product page in the backend that prohibits adding links to downloadable products when using the default German localization that ships with this Magento version.

The root cause for this problem is the file app/locale/de_DE/Mage_Media.csv which somehow contains an additional line break at the end of the file:

"This content requires last version of Adobe Flash Player. <a href="http://">Get Flash</a>","Dieser Inhalt erfordert die neueste Version des Adobe Flash Players. <a href="http://">Flash herunterladen</a>"
Of course this can easily be fixed by adding a translate.csv to your admin theme and adding the line
"Mage_Media::This content requires last version of Adobe Flash Player. <a href="http://">Get Flash</a>","Dieser Inhalt erfordert die neueste Version des Adobe Flash Players. <a href="http://">Flash herunterladen</a>"

Nevertheless, who can use the new default German localization pack at all – with terms like “URL Umformulierungsverwaltung” for URL Rewrite Management or “Ladenansicht” instead of StoreView?

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