Blog: A Magento Developer's Life

In my blog posts, I often describe things I observe in my day-to-day life as a Magento freelancer or little hacks that work well for me.

Running Magento on FrankenPHP Webserver

FrankenPHP is the new star in webserver heaven and as Magento developer of course I wanted to try this out with Magento 1 / OpenMage. It turned out that it was very easy to setup and the results were really promising in local development environment. I have never seen a faster Magento on localhost!

Cheapest Magento Hosting for less than 10€

In this blog post I will show that it is totally possible to run a tiny Magento 1 or OpenMage shop for less than 10€ per month - and even with all used services from Europe. Should you do this for your production store? Well that's on another page, but first let's move on.

Optimize CSS Styles in Magento

Magento/OpenMage has a default feature to merge all CSS files into one which was implemented back in the old days to reduce HTTP requests and therewith improve the performance for the client. Nowadays with HTTP/2 (or even HTTP/3) the number of requests is not that important anymore (and on the contrary a certain number of parallel asset downloads should be preferred), but there are many other ways the CSS asset delivery can be improved in Magento. Let's see how!

Better SEO with Magento Layout XML

Over the years I have collected several useful layout XML code snippets that you can e.g. insert into individual Magento CMS pages or into your layout xml code in the local.xml file. This offers several chances to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) for your Magento store like noindex or canonicals.

The 4 Most Important Tasks For Legacy Projects

In my daily work I regularly take over legacy projects from customers that have a relatively old code base and shall be upgraded in order to be compatible with latest software versions, PHP versions and so on. Within those projects I always use several techniques to quickly get to work but at the same time carefully try to not introduce new defects.

Magento Logging with ELK Stack

If you are maintaining several Magento instances or use features like AWS autoscaling, you have many different places to look for your Magento application logs. In these cases a central logging application is very helpful.
In this post we will examine how to use the ELK stack with Magento logs.

How to remove Prototype in Magento?

As we all know Magento 1 was using latest technologies at the time it has been published more than 10 years ago in 2008. In the meantime, of course, used libraries and development patterns have been outdated, so is the case with Prototype. This post is about how to start to remove the Prototype library from Magento 1 or OpenMage.

How to avoid duplicate content in Magento?

In the field of search engine optimization (SEO) everyone tries to write the content in best quality from a customer perspective and ultimately also for the search engine. One important aspect therein is to avoid duplicate content as this is a major problem for search engines.

In this post I will clarify what duplicate content is and show a common source of duplicate content in Magento.

Magento to OpenMage Migration

After the official end of life of Magento in last June, I recommended two ways of continuing with Magento 1 to my clients: either use MageOne to take care of providing security patches and updates for the latest Magento Open Source version Or use the community-driven OpenMage fork of Magento. In this post we will see how I did the migration of my own website from Magento to OpenMage.

Issue with PayPal Express and Customer Checkout Registration in Magento

Recently I discovered a bug in the core Magento 1 PayPal Express extension that leads to the user being redirected to the home page after PayPal checkout with no error message.
As the investigation was a rather lengthy process, I’ll tell you the details and of course the easy fix in this post here.

LiteSpeed as a Drop-In Replacement for Apache Webserver for Magento 1

For a long time Apache has been the defacto standard for hosting PHP web applications like Magento 1 or WordPress. Then with the rise of the need for high-scaling applications hosted in the cloud webservers like nginx or full page caches like Varnish became popular in order to handle the enormous amounts of traffic pouring in. The LiteSpeed webserver for Magento 1 is the new cool kind in the block now.

Privacy Checklist 2020

My this year’s Christmas blog post is about some simple privacy tools and actions you can take to easily improve your privacy. This post is not dedicated to shop owners or developers but to any people in general that take their privacy seriously (which should be anyone to be honest).

My Blog now moved to Hugo

Although there are not that many blog posts here, I regularly re-acknowledge all the work that has been spent to create the articles that are currently there. That’s why I decided to give some love to my blog and move all the content from WordPress to Hugo.

Why developer health matters?

So this blog post will be the starting point for a series of health-related articles targeted for developers. As I know personally life as a developer can be tough: we live in an ever-changing world and the speed in the IT sector is even faster than anything else. And human brain has its difficulties with exponential growth. That’s why I want to get into the details about how to establish developer health.

Infografik zur DSGVO

Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung darf natürlich in keinem Blog heutzutage fehlen :-D. Hierzu habe ich folgende gute Infografik von webvision gefunden:

When should I start using Magento 2?

Today I want to raise some pro and contra arguments for upgrading to Magento 2 or starting a new project with the new release of Magento E-Commerce. This is by no means a complete list but just some of my thoughts on this topic.

Available Magento Code Sniffer rulesets

Basically I recommend following the PSR-2 standard for Coding Style Guidelines in Magento projects. Verifying your coding styles makes sense in any case – whether you are working in a large team of developers or as a freelancer for several clients. Agreeing to one common coding standard and following the rules improves readability and comparability.

A collection of my daily RSS feeds

In this blog post I want to share with you a short list of my daily RSS feeds that I find very useful to stay up-to-date in different categories:

Overview of Zend Framework versions in Magento CE

Perhaps somebody might be interested in an overview of the different Zend Framework versions that are used in each Magento CE release, e.g. if you are developing Magento modules and want to use some kind of Zend Framework methods that are only available after a certain ZF version.

Magento Mobile Theme Overview

It has been really quiet about the official Magento Mobile App so I have done a research for one of my customers that is in need of a solid, cost-efficient mobile solution that does not require building up a new site from ground (i.e. the mobile site should exist in addition to the current webpage – not replace it).

The Web Developer’s SEO Cheat Sheet 2.0

It is my honor and privilege today to introduce the brand new version of The Web Developer’s SEO Cheat Sheet. This free and downloadable cheat sheet covers all of the important SEO code and best practices that are needed by online marketers and developers.

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