TaxVatCheck for Magento 1
  • Administrationsbereich
  • Prüfung im Checkout
  • Prüfung bei Registrierung
Extension Facts
Language files in this package English - en_US, German - de_DE
Version 1.0.14

TaxVatCheck for Magento 1

This module gives you the possibility to fully automate the process of validating the vat registration numbers of your
customers in the checkout process. And afterwards they will be put in the right customer group to fit the tax needs.
* Prices excl. tax. Downloadable products, no shipping costs.

TaxVatCheck for Magento 1 Description

This module gives you the possibility to fully automate the process of validating the vat registration numbers of your customers in the checkout process. And afterwards they will be put in the right customer group to fit the tax needs. The workflow is therewith as easy as possible for you and your buyers: The customer inputs his VAT registration number in the checkout process of the Magento shop, then it will be validated via the European Webservice and - if valid - automatically assigned to the customer group "B2B - no VAT" that is designated in the administration panel. In case of non-validity the assignment takes place into the customer group "B2C". But also after that process the VAT registration number will be checked periodically so that a subsequent modification will result in an afresh validation. A manual change of the customer group is futhermore possible of course. Features:
  • Fully automated validation via the EU webservice in the Onepage-Checkout as well as perdiodically
  • Assignment to 3 different customer groups: B2C, B2B - no VAT, B2B - full VAT
  • Automatic re-validation of existing customers
In combination with our Magento module AdvancedInvoiceLayout you have chance to to meet all legal requirements for the international Business-To-Business (B2B) market.

There is no warranty, that the information in documents on this website and related ones are complete, correct and up-to-date in every case. The consultation of a legal practitioner is always recommended.

Completely all the features mentioned on this site are only available for the latest Magento version. Former Magento releases may have a lack of some functionalities.

If the functionality of extensions from other vendors intersect with this one, unpredictable issues may arise.
Please get informed about our License Agreement and our thinking about Commercial Open Source.

Are there any more information about my Magento Extension that you would like to see here? Just contact me.

What others say..

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  • Die Kundin ist hin und weg, weil die Rechnung 'so schön!' ist.
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  • Basicly this is the best money I have spend in years.
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  • Thank you for your great work and your professional help with our Magento extension customizations!
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  • Nach mehreren Fehlkäufen bei tschechischen Entwicklern, erhalten wir von Ihnen ein Produkt, das ausgezeichnet dokumentiert ist, sich problemlos installieren lässt, und auf Anhieb wie gewünscht funktioniert.
  • Endlich hat jemand die Rechnung brauchbar gemacht! Nice job!
    biwac INFORMATIK GmbH über meine Magento 1 Extension
  • Ich habe nur 10 Minuten auf eine noch dazu sehr hilfreiche und freundliche Antwort warten müssen. Fazit: unbedingt zu empfehlen!!!
  • Ein rundum zu empfehlendes Modul, welches jeden Euro wert ist. Vielen Dank!
  • It helpt me a lot... made some changes for the swiss market (address block is on the right side). 10 minutes. I thank you very mutch, would have taken me days to understand and redo.
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  • Magento - Installation, Anwendung, Erweiterung Diese Erweiterung gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, das Aussehen Ihrer Rechnungen in einer einfacheren Art und Weise zu verändern und umzugestalten. Dabei kann u.a. die Rechnung im PDF-Format direkt als Attachment versendet werden. Sie können die Fußzeile leicht editieren, und Darstellungsinformationen wie de Schriftgröße können über den Administrationsbereich editiert werden. Alles in allem handelt es sich hierbei um eine sinnvolle Erweiterung, die den Preis [..] auf alle Fälle rechtfertigt.