Blog-Posts über Magento 1

Magento Developers Paradise Linklist

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am

Though unfortunately I didn’t manage to go to the Magento Developers Paradise this year let’s sum up the various helpful links posted on twitter with valuable Magento know how:

/dev/notes: Magento Caches Database Columns

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am

When you’re creating custom Magento models, it’s common to to add and remove fields to and from a database table during development before finalizing a set of columns for the setup resource/migration file. One thing to keep in mind while you’re doing this is that Magento will cache the list of table columns each model knows about, which means a cache clearing will be needed after adding a column.

Magento Mobile Theme Overview

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am

It has been really quiet about the official Magento Mobile App so I have done a research for one of my customers that is in need of a solid, cost-efficient mobile solution that does not require building up a new site from ground (i.e. the mobile site should exist in addition to the current webpage – not replace it).

Overview of Zend Framework versions in Magento CE

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am
Perhaps somebody might be interested in an overview of the different Zend Framework versions that are used in each Magento CE release, e.g. if you are developing Magento modules and want to use some kind of Zend Framework methods that are only available after a certain ZF version.

Awesome Magento 1 Extensions

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am
I am often asked by my clients which Magento Extensions I can recommend for their shop. Thats why I created a (probably incomplete) list of Magento 1 extensions that I regularly use in my Magento projects.

Magento 1.9: Downloadable Products cannot be created

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am

In Magento 1.9 there is a JavaScript error on the product page in the backend that prohibits adding links to downloadable products when using the default German localization that ships with this Magento version.

Available Magento Code Sniffer rulesets

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am

Basically I recommend following the PSR-2 standard for Coding Style Guidelines in Magento projects. Verifying your coding styles makes sense in any case – whether you are working in a large team of developers or as a freelancer for several clients. Agreeing to one common coding standard and following the rules improves readability and comparability.

LiteSpeed as a Drop-In Replacement for Apache Webserver for Magento 1

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am
For a long time Apache has been the defacto standard for hosting PHP web applications like Magento 1 or WordPress. Then with the rise of the need for high-scaling applications hosted in the cloud webservers like nginx or full page caches like Varnish became popular in order to handle the enormous amounts of traffic pouring in. The LiteSpeed webserver for Magento 1 is the new cool kind in the block now.

Issue with PayPal Express and Customer Checkout Registration in Magento

Chris / / zuletzt aktualisiert am
Recently I discovered a bug in the core Magento 1 PayPal Express extension that leads to the user being redirected to the home page after PayPal checkout with no error message.
As the investigation was a rather lengthy process, I’ll tell you the details and of course the easy fix in this post here.
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