Blog-Posts über Tools

Google Lighthouse Integration in Bitbucket Pipelines

I am a big fan of the possibilities that CI pipelines like Bitbucket Pipelines offer and I have already wrote an article about integrating Hugo with Bitbucket Pipelines.
In this post today I will create a Bitbucket Pipeline for Google Lighthouse checks to continuously monitor the important Google Lighthouse Score to improve performance and search results.

Joplin - the Best Evernote Alternative

As a privacy-concerned user it can sometimes be very tricky to find alternatives to the most-used applications. Looking for the best alternative to the widely established note-taking application Evernote was one of those hard evaluations and it took me a while, but here is the result: Joplin. Read why.

Privacy Checklist 2020

My this year’s Christmas blog post is about some simple privacy tools and actions you can take to easily improve your privacy. This post is not dedicated to shop owners or developers but to any people in general that take their privacy seriously (which should be anyone to be honest).

A collection of my daily RSS feeds

In this blog post I want to share with you a short list of my daily RSS feeds that I find very useful to stay up-to-date in different categories:

11 Artikel