
Tips and tricks for the note-taking app Joplin

In my previous post I introduced Joplin as my new note-taking app. After using it for some time now, there are several things that are a bit difficult to grasp so in this post I present some useful tipps for Joplin.

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Link to Section in Joplin

You can also link within a Joplin Markdown document by using anchors (#).
Joplin automatically creates an anchor for each heading, i.e. if you type # This is my heading the anchor #this-is-my-heading will automatically be created and can then be used like this in Markdown:

[This is my internal link to the heading](#this-is-my-heading)

How to do advanced searches in Joplin?

Joplin internally uses an SQLite database so some more advanced search phrases are possible. For example if you want to find all notes that contain a PDF attachment you can type the following string into the search box:


An another common search query that I use is to find all notes that have not been updated within the last 4 years and are not within the archive notebook:

-updated:year-4 -notebook:Archiv

You can find all possible keywords in the Joplin search documentation.

An additional tip regarding searches is using the "Quick Find" function, that is similar to code editors like Sublime or PHPStorm. Just enter Shift+Cmd+P on Mac and the search field opens.

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